Bridge at dusk

Succession planning for financial advisers

Welcome to our comprehensive resource hub designed specifically for advisers who are seeking to understand and navigate the intricate world of succession planning.

The future of your financial advisory firm

Many advisers we talk to are contemplating the future of their businesses, recognising the evolving landscape and the need to proactively adapt to the changing dynamics of the financial industry. This forward-thinking approach encompasses various strategic considerations, such as:

  • Acquiring other businesses: A number of advisers are exploring the potential of expanding their market presence and client base through strategic acquisitions. By integrating complementary businesses into their fold, they aim to strengthen their competitive advantage, unlock synergies, and fortify their position as industry leaders.
  • Growing the service offered and diversifying revenue: Embracing growth is a pivotal aspect of many advisers’ visions, as these advisers aim to bolster their service offerings and explore diverse avenues for generating revenue. By tapping into new service areas and addressing emerging client needs, they strive to enhance their value proposition and cement long-term client relationships.
  • Looking at succession and selling their business: As prudent business owners, these advisers understand the importance of succession planning and the significance of securing the legacy they have meticulously built. Whether they are considering selling their business to embark on new ventures or planning for a smooth transition, they are committed to safeguarding the interests of their valued clients and dedicated staff.
Man doing yoga

A balanced perspective

We also understand that not every adviser is inclined towards a trade sale, and that's why we offer a balanced perspective, considering the following factors:

  • Customer outcomes: The well-being of your clients is paramount, and we provide insights on how to prioritise their interests throughout the succession planning process.
  • Staff future: Your team's dedication plays a crucial role in your business's success. We explore strategies to ensure their career paths are considered during times of change.
  • Cultural alignment: Finding the right cultural fit with potential acquirers is crucial for a smooth transition. Our articles shed light on preserving the essence of your firm while integrating with a new entity.

In the pursuit of a sustainable and prosperous future, we know through conversation that many advisers are driven by a vision that extends beyond the horizon, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

With these resources and expert guidance, we aim to empower you to navigate these critical decisions with confidence, ensuring continuity of excellence and unwavering dedication to your clients' financial success.

Succession planning toolkit

Contemplating the future of your business is a big task. Through this resource hub we’ll provide valuable insights through a collection of informative resources from AJ Bell Investcentre, The Exit Partnership and Vertus Capital. Looking at topics such as why and how you might choose to sell your business, what you should look for in a potential buyer, and how you can ensure a smooth transition to new ownership that complies with all the relevant regulations.

Exit Partnership guide

The Exit Partnership – Sellers’ guide

Management buyout guide

Vertus Capital – Management buyout (MBO) guide

Due diligence briefing note

Vertus Capital – Due diligence briefing note

AJ Bell Investcentre training and development guide

AJ Bell Investcentre – Training and development

Here to help

Should you have any specific questions or require further guidance, feel free to reach out to us.

  • Headshot
    Billy Singh

    Billy Singh

  • Headshot
    Greg Morton

    Greg Morton

    South West
  • Headshot
    John Bowden

    Jon Bowden

    North West
  • Headshot
    Kenny Boyd

    Kenny Boyd

    Northumberland - North
    Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Headshot
    Matt Jonas

    Matthew Jonas

    North East
    Northumberland - South
  • Headshot
    Michael Teetsun

    Michael Teetsun

    South of the River Thames
    South East - South
  • Headshot
    Ryan Meredith

    Ryan Meredith

    North West

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